David S. Prescott, LICSW

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Books, Chapters, Articles

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updated June 2022




Articles & Chapters

  • Villeneuve, N. & Prescott, D.S. (2022). “Examining the Dark Sides of Psychedelic Therapy.” The Forum Newsletter,34(3). Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/atsa/issues/2022-06-14/6.html
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  • Prescott, D.S. & Willis, G.M. (2021). Using the Good Lives Model (GLM) in clinical practice: Lessons learned from international implementation projects. Aggression and Violent Behavior, doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2021.101717

  • De Boeck, M., Janssen, E., Blok, M., Uzieblo, K., Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2021) “Pedohunting: How vigilantes exacerbate the problem of child abuse.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, February 5, 2021.
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  • Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2021) “Moving Towards a ‘Public Wisdom Model’ of Prevention.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 27, 2021.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Uzieblo, K. (2021) “Perpetration, Victimization, and Gender” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 22, 2021.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Uzieblo, K. (2021) “2021: Building the new ‘Normal’?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 7, 2021.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020) “Therapy to Prevent Abuse or Therapy as Abuse?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, December 17, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “It's not the cure, but the delivery system that matters: the importance of community.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, December 10, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). Trauma-informed care in secure settings.: The whys, hows, and challenges associated. In H. Swaby, B. Winder, R. Lievesly, K. Hocken, N. Blagden, & P. Banyard (Eds.), Sexual crime and trauma (pp. 33-56). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Wilson, R.J., Fernandez, Y., & Prescott, D.S. (2020). Ensuring responsive treatment options for male adults who have sexually offended. In J. Proulx, F. Cortoni, L.E. Craig, & E.J. Letourneau (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of what works with sexual offenders: Contemporary perspectives in theory, assessment, treatment, and prevention (pp. 201-216). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.

  • Prescott, D.S., Uzieblo, K., & McCartan, K. (2020). “QAnon and the Hard Work of Preventing Sexual Abuse.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, December 3, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S., Uzieblo, K., & McCartan, K. (2020). “In the News: Conversion Therapy in the US and Beyond.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, November 26, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Under the same sky, seeing different horizons.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, November 20, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “ATSA 2020 Conference.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, October 29, 2020.
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  • Uzieblo, K., Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2020). “Standing on the shoulder of a giant: Remembering Scott Lilienfeld.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, October 23, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Researching sexual abuse in the ‘new’ normal.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, October 9, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “'Victim': Reflections on autonomy, choice, and the power of language.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, September 30, 2020.
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  • Uzieblo, K., Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2020). “Not so cute after all? The controversy over Cuties” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, September 17, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Community Violence and Individual Anguish” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, September 3, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “"The Train Keeps a'Rollin" … 10 Years Later” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, August 27, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “The Color of Money: How we fund sexual offense work” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, August 7, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K.(2020). “Deceit, Sex, and Sexual Assault: Where are the Lines?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, July 30, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S. & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “Constructing victims as offenders: Challenges in responding to the dysfunctionality in sexual abuse.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, July 23, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S., McCartan, K. & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “Is This Logical? Applying Therapeutic Logic in Mental Health Law Proceedings” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, July 16, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K. (2020). Returning to the Basics: A UK Case Goes Terribly Wrong“” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, July 3, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Sexualization of youth, complexity, complicity, and uncomfortable truths.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 26, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “The Wisconsin ATSA Group is the first to take their conference online: A success story.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 19, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Practicing at the Front Lines of COVID-19: Complexities and a return to the basics.” Published online in the ATSA Forum , Summer 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K. (2020). “Black Lives Really Do Matter: Reflections on Our Work in the Time of Protests.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 11, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K., Uzieblo, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “How the pandemic challenges and questions our perspectives on and work with people who have sexually abused..” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 5, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S., McCartan, K., & Uzieblo, K. (2020). “Emerging lessons from pornography in the pandemic” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, May 22, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Strategies for Improving Therapeutic Engagement ” Published online at nota.co.uk, May 9, 2020.
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  • Christofferson,S., McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Prehabilitation & sexual abuse prevention.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, May 6, 2020.
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  • Uzieblo, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Online pornography use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Should we worry? Part II.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, April 29, 2020.
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  • Uzieblo, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Online pornography use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Should we worry? Part I.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, April 15, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K.F. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Advice for people at risk of committing a sexual or violent offence while in social isolation”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, April 2, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2020). “Love in the time of COVID?” Published online simultaneously at sajrt.blogspot.com and NOTAPrevention.co.uk, March 18, 2020.
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  • McCartan, K.F. & Prescott, D.S. (2020). “Epidemiological Criminology as a means to understand sexual offending ”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, March 5, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2020). “Moral Injury and Radical Hope: Part 2”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, February 5, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2020). “Moral Injury and Radical Hope: Part 1”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 30, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2020). “Pornhub's 2019 Year in Review”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 10, 2020.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “Race, Bias, and Risk Assessment”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, December 18, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Motivational Interviewing with Young People”, NOTA News, No. 89, Nov/Dec, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “When Others Decide the Effects of Abuse”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, November 27, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Repressed and Recovered Memories: Implications for our field”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, October 16, 2019.
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  • McCartan, K.F. & Prescott, D.S. (2019). “NOTA Annual Conference 2019 ”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, September 26, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “The purpose and outcomes of treatment ”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, September 12, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “When we become the barriers to progress”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, August 7, 2019.
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  • Sandler, J.C., McCartan, K.F. & Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Knowing What Works and Doing the Work: The Relationship between Research and Clinical Practice”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 14, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “Disconnected: Where Did the Client's Voice in Treatment Go?”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 6, 2019.
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  • McCartan, K.F., Harris, D.A., & Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Seen and Not Heard: The Service User's Experience Through the Justice System of Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses” in International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology and published online at https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X19851671, May 27, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K.F. (2019). “Morals Versus Evidence: The Role of Pornography”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, May 24, 2019.
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  • DiGiorgio-Miller, J. & Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Learning to Take a Mindful Pause”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, May 16, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2019). “The MASOC/MATSA conference and thoughts on why we do this work” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, April 12, 2019.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2019). “Reducing harm in individuals who commit sexual abuse.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, March 27, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2019). “The "right" relationship in assessment and treatment: What does it look like?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, January 8, 2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2018). Book Review: The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience, Edited by Anthony R. Beech, Adam J. Carter, Ruth E. Mann, and Pia Rothstein. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2018-2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2018). Book Review: Pedophilia: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention, Second Edition, by Michael C. Seto, Ph.D. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2018-2019.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K. (2018). “It's time to get over it: Risk goes down with time free in the community.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, December 17, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & Willis, G. (2018). “Application of the Good Lives Model in China.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com December 3, 2018.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S., (2018). “Rape myths are still alive and well: But abuse is still abuse” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com November 19, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S., (2018). “Even Folks in Our Field Get the Blues: When Implementation of Best Practices Goes Wrong, Part 1” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com September 13, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S., (2018). “Good Things Happening in Poland and Italy” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com September 13, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S., (2018)."Co Działa W Terapii Osób, Które Krzywdzą Seksualnie Innych?" ["What works in therapy for those who have sexually abused?"], Terapia: Uzależnienia i Wspóŀuzależnienia, ISSN 1506-4727, Numer 4/2018 (Rok XXI), Bełchatów, Poland.
    Translated and published in Polish: < Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Ackerman, A. (2018). Reflections on registration and its inherent paradoxes.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com July 27, 2018.
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  • Willis, G., Ackerman, A., & Prescott, D.S. (2018). “Person-first language: Establishing a culture that transcends labels” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com May 2, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2018). Sexual Offending: Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation [Review of the book Sexual Offending: Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation by T.A. Gagnon & T. Ward, eds.]. Europe's Journal of Psychology, Vol. 14(1), 287–290 doi:10.5964/ejop.v14i1.1525.
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  • Ackerman, A., McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “We want conversation, not conflict!” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com January 25, 2018.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Fidelity to the Model or Fidelity to the Client? Reflections on Treatment.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com December 28, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Ackerman, A. (2017). “ANZATSA Bi-Annual Conference 2017.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com December 7, 2017.
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  • Ackerman, A., Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2017). “The promise and importance of apology: The need for apologies to be heard and not dismissed.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com November 16, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Ackerman, A. (2017). “Conflation & misunderstanding: The problem of using language inappropriately.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com November 10, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Ackerman, A. (2017). “ATSA Annual Conference 2017.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com November 2, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., Prescott, D.S., & Brown, J. (2017). “Changing the social norms on sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexualised behaviour.” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com October 20, 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K. (2017). “Why Vigilante?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com September 29, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “The Cure Violence Program: If there is a "cure" for violence, where does it lie?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com September 7, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Race, culture, community and abuse”. Published simultaneously online at www.notaprevention.co.uk, and sajrt.blogspot.com August 18, 2017.
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  • Willis, G.M., Prescott, D.S., & Yates, P.M. (2017). Application of an integrated Good Lives approach to sexual offending treatment. In Boer, D.P. (Ed.), The Wiley handbook on the theories, assessment, and treatment of sexual offending, Volume III (pp. 1355-1368). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell.

  • McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Restorative Justice & Sexual Harm: Restoration, Reconciliation, Retribution?” Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, July 17, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Bring me the Horizon! (and Kaizen)”. Published online at sajrt.blogspot.com, June 29, 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Risk Assessment Promise and Peril: The Colorado Experience”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, May 26, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Communication and collaboration in working with sexual abuse”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, April 28, 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & McCartan, K., (2017). “Risk and those who experience harm”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, April 13, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “‘Othering’ the Offender”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, March 31, 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2017). Book Review: Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists: A Guide to Improving Clinical Effectiveness, by Tony Rousmaniere, Psy.D . The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2017). Book Review: Ethical Porn for Dicks: A Man's Guide to Responsible Viewing Pleasure, by David J. Ley, Ph.D.. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring 2017.
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  • DeClue, G., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Beware of Easy Answers: The perils of single studies”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, March 14, 2017.
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  • McCartan, K., Brown, J., & Prescott, D.S. (2017). “Considering the alternatives to traditional Child Sexual Abuser risk management: Prevention?”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, March 1, 2017.
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  • Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2016). “Abuse is Abuse”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, November 26, 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2016). Book Review: Sexual Predators: Society, Risk, and the Law, by Robert A. Prentky, Howard E. Barbaree, and Eric S. Janus. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Fall 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2016). “Returning to What's Real”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 16, 2016.
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  • Brandt, J., Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2016). “Mitigating Sexual Recidivism: 'Treatment' or 'Intervention'?”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 2, 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2016). “Denial, Risk, and Good Lives: The Need for Protective Processes”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, August 26, 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2016). “What's on in Milan: The successes and challenges of a program in Italy” (“Accade a Milano: successi e sfide di un programma in Italia”). Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, May 6, 2016.
    Read Article: < in English >  < in Italian >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2016). Book Review: Open Dialogues and Anticipations: Respecting Otherness in the Present Moment, by Jaakko Seikkula and Tom Erik Arnkil . The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2016). Book Review: My Story, by Louise Nicholas. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2016.
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  • Prescott, D.S. & Willis, G. (2015). “The ‘Who Works’ Doctrine.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, December 10, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “Good Things Are Happening in Australia and New Zealand.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, November 20, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). Book Review: Pathways to Sexual Aggression, edited by Jean Proulx, Eric Beauregard, Patrick Lussier, and Benoit Leclerc, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Fall 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “Civil Commitment: Another program is found unconstitutional.” Originally published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 13, 2015.
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    Revised edition published at http://forensicpsychologist.blogspot.com, September 13, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “Five Questions Regarding the Polygraph.” Originally published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, August 7, 2015.
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  • Brandt, J. & Prescott, D.S. (2015). “The Minnesota Sex Offender Program: Federal Intervention Part 3 – The Ruling.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, June 21, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). Book Review: The Great Psychotherapy Debate, Second EditionThe Evidence for What Makes Psychotherapy Work by Bruce E. Wampold and Zac E. Imel, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “Terapia osób, których zachowania seksualne krzywdzą innych: Motywacja, ustalanie celów, model dobrego życia”. In Jadwiga M. Jaraczewska & Malgorzata Adamczyk-Zientara (Eds.), Dialog motywujący: Praca z osobami uzaleznionymi behawioralnie (pp. 171-198). Warsaw, Poland: Eneteia.

    (Book chapter published in Polish. “Treatment of persons whose sexual behaviors harm others: motivation, goal setting, the Good Lives Model”. In Jadwiga Jaraczewska & Malgorzata M. Adamczyk-Zientara (Eds.), Dialog motivator: Working with addicts behaviorally (pp. 171-198). Warsaw, Poland: Eneteia.)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “Implementation, Integration, and ‘Implegration’: Science and Practice”
    Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, June 11, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D. (2015, June 3). Our Deeply Flawed Civil Commitment System [Cato Unbound response essay]. Published online at www.cato-unbound.org/2015/06/03/david-prescott/our-deeply-flawed-civil-commitment-system
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D. (2015, May 10). Going From Good to Great [Weblog post]. Published online at http://wp.me/p2RS15-9R
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Wilson, R.J., McWhinnie, D.A. Prescott, D.S., & McCartan, K. (2015). Scientific Inquiry, Even With Its Limitations, Should Prevail Over Ideology Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, April 24, 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). Book Review: Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy: Bring the Body into Treatment by David Emerson , The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring 2015.
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  • Prescott, D.S., Gonsalves, V., Reynolds, J., Miller, S.D. (2015). “Emerging Use of Feedback-Informed Treatment with People Who Have Sexually Abused.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, March 10, 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Evans, R., Anonymous, Prescott, D., & Cantor, J. (2015).  “5 Ways We Misunderstand Pedophilia (That Makes it Worse)“. Published online at www.cracked.com, February 8, 2015.
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  • Brandt, J. & Prescott, D.S. (2015). “The Minnesota Sex Offender Program: Federal Intervention Part 2 – The 706 Expert Report.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, February 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Brandt, J. & Prescott, D.S. (2015). “The Minnesota Sex Offender Program: Federal Intervention Part 1 – The Challenges.” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, February 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2015). “You Can't Always Get What You Want: Research and Policymaking’”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, January 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). “Putting the humans back into human services’”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, December 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). Book Review: Ancient Ethics for Today's Healers by Geral Blanchard, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). Distinguished Contribution Award Speech, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2015.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • NOTA News, Nov/Dec 2014:
    • York Conference Report –Tony Morrison Memorial Lecture Helping Others (and Ourselves) Change Course: A Brief Case for Motivational Interviewing. < click here for article >
    • A 'two-minute' interview with David Prescott < click here for article >

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). “The Community and the "Cure’”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Levenson, J.S., Willis, G.M. & Prescott, D.S. (2014). “Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Female Sex Offenders”, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of research and Treatment, September 2014.
    <  Read Abstract >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
    < Read Article >   (subscription required)


  • Wilson, R.J., Prescott, D.S., & Burns, M. (2014). “People with special needs and sexual behaviour problems: balancing community and client interests while ensuring effective risk management”, Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, August 2014.
    <  Read Abstract >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
    < Read Article >   (subscription required)

  • Prescott, D.S. & Miller, S.D. (2014). “Improving Outcomes One Client at a Time: Feedback-Informed Treatment with Adults who have Sexually Abused”, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring-Summer 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • McCartan, K. & Prescott, D.S. (2014). “The methodological debate”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, July 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). “Helping Youth Change Course: How Motivational Interviewing Works”, MatchBook: A Journal on the Prevention & Treatment of Youth Firesetting, Issue 04, 2014.
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  • Levenson, J.S., Willis, G.M., & Prescott, D.S. (2014). Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Male Sex Offenders: Implications for Trauma-Informed Care. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment.

  • Prescott, D.S. & Miller, S.D. (2014). Improving outcomes one client at a time: Feedback-Informed Treatment with adults who have sexually abused. In B. Schwartz (Ed.), The Sex Offender (Vol. 8). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute. 

  • Wilson, R.J., Prescott, D.S., & Burns, M. (2014). People with special needs and sexual behaviour problems: Balancing community and client interests while ensuring effective risk management. In K. McCartan & H. Kemshall (Ed., Special Issue), Sex offender (re)integration into the community: Realities and challenges, Journal of Sexual Aggression.

  • Wilson, R.J. & Prescott, D.S. (2014). Understanding and responding to persons with special needs who have sexually offended. In K. McCartan (Ed.), Sexual offending: Perceptions, risks and responses.

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). Book Review: Where Are We Now? Reflections on The Good Lives Model for Adolescents and How We Define "Models" , The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2014.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). “The Promise and Peril of Role-Play in Experiential Treatment” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, February 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2014). “Treatment Providers: Born or Made?” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, February 2014.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Levenson, J. & Prescott, D.S. (2014). Déjà vu: from Furby to Långström and the evaluation of sex offender treatment effectiveness. Journal of Sexual Aggression.
     <  Read Abstract >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Levenson, J.S., Prescott, D.S., & Jumper, S. (2014).  A consumer satisfaction survey of civilly committed sex offenders in Illinois. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58, 474-495.
     <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • _______ (2013). “Celebrating David Prescott!” TSY Newsletter, electronic distribution of The Trauma Center at JRI, Boston, MA, November 2013.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2013). “Bearing witness to child sexual abuse: What do we call it? How should we understand it?” Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, November 2013.
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  • Prescott, D.S. (2013). The Rashomon dilemma: Perspectives on and dilemmas in evidence-based practice. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy (IJBCT): “Current Approaches and Perspectives in the Treatment of Adult and Juvenile Sexual Offending.”
     <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Willis, G.M., Prescott, D.S. & Yates, P.M. (2013). The good lives model (GLM) in theory and practice. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 5, 3-9.
  • Prescott, D.S., Bengis, S., & Tabachnick, J. (2013). Sexualy abusive children and adolescents: Strategies for prevention. Prevention Researcher, 20, 17-19.  
  • Prescott, D.S.. “What Could Those Empathy Researchers Be Thinking? Complications, Controversies, Research, and Practice”. Published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Prescott, D.S. “What Treatment Providers Can Learn From Yoga Instructors”, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer/Fall 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Prescott, D.S.. “Treatment Outcome and the Risk Principle ”, published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, July 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Prescott, D.S.. “The Glass is Half Something, But What? Thoughts on the Does-Treatment-Work Debate”, published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, February 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Prescott, D.S. “Motivational Interviewing: An Update for Professionals Working with People who have Sexually Abused”, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Brandt, J., Prescott, D.S., & Wilson, R.J. “Pornography and Contact Offending”, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Prescott, D.S.. “Pornography, Intimacy, and Growing Up”, published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, January 2013.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)
  • Bengis, S., & Prescott, D.S. (2012). Best practice in working with youth who abuse sexually: An historical perspective. In B. Schwartz (ed.), The sex offender, volume VII (pp. 24-1 -- 24-12). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.
  • Brandt, J., Prescott, D., & Wilson, R. Pornography and Contact Offending. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, September 2012.
    < Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

    Prescott, D.S. “Getting the Message Right: Compassion and Media Responses to Sexual Abuse”, submitted June 2012. 
    < Read Article >
          (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. “What do young people learn from coercion? Polygraph examinations with youth who have sexually abused”, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Spring 2012.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. & Wilson, R.J. “Civility, Accuracy, and Noise: It's Time to Get Past the Pandemonium Surrounding the DSM-5 Paraphilias Subworkgroup”, published online at http://sajrt.blogspot.com, May 2012.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. Review: Guidance for learning of Motivational Interviewing: A resource for trainers, four DVDs of a three-day training by Steven Malcolm Berg-Smith, recorded December, 2008. In Motivational Interviewing: Training, Research, Implementation, Practice, www.mitrip.org, ISSN 2160-584X (online) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2011). The current state of adolescent risk assessment. In B. Schwartz (ed.), Handbook of sex offender treatment (pp. 23-1 -- 23-15). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.

  • Yates, P.M., & Prescott, D.S. Review: Redefining primary human goods: Applying the Good Lives model to clinical practice. NOTA News, 68, December 2011.
    <  Read Article >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. (2011). Meaningful engagement of adolescents in change. In M.C. Calder (Ed.), Contemporary practice with young people who sexually abuse (pp. 92-101). Holyoke, MA: NEARI Press. 
  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: Ancient Ways: Indigenous Healing Innovations for the 21st Century by Geral Blanchard, The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Fall 2011.
    <  Read Review >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Bengis, S., Prescott, D.S., & Tabachnick, J. “Assessing Risk with the ‘ERASOR’”, NEARI News, October, 2011.
    <  Read Article >    

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: Intellectual Disability and Problems in Sexual Behaviour Assessment, Treatment, and Promotion of Healthy Sexuality, by Robin J. Wilson, Ph.D., ABPP, and Michele Burns, B.Sc., The ATSA Forum newsletter, Fall 2011.
    <  Read Review >       (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Prescott, D.S. & Wilson, R.J. (2011). Paradoxical and double-bind communication in treatment for persons who sexually offend. Journal of Sexual Aggression.
    <  Read Abstract >

  • Prescott, D.S. Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Sexual Abusers: An introduction. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer 2011. 
    <  Read Article >
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  • Prescott, D.S., & Porter, J. (2011). Motivational interviewing in the treatment of sexual offenders. In D.P. Boer, R. Eher, L.E. Craig, M.H. Miner, & F Pfäfflin (Eds.), International perspectives on the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders (pp. 373-396). Wiley-Blackwell: Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
    < Read Introduction >

  • Prescott, D.S. Creating Willing Partners: Meaningful Engagement of Offenders in Change. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2011. 
    <  Read Article >
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  •  Prescott, D.S., Plummer, C., & Davis, G. (2010). Recognition, response, and resolution: Historical responses to rape and child molestation. In K.L. Kaufman, (Ed.), The prevention of sexual violence: A practitioner's sourcebook (pp. 1-18). Holyoke, MA: NEARI Press.
    < Read Introduction >

  • Sawyer, S. & Prescott, D.S. (2010). Boundaries and dual relationships. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, doi:10.1177/1079063210381411.
    < Read Abstract >

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: Evicting the Perpetrator: A Male Survivor's Guide for Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse, by Ken Singer. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Fall 2010. 
    <  Read Review >
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  • Prescott, D.S., & Levenson, J.S. To Treat or Not to Treat... What are the Questions?
    Considering the Effectiveness of Sexual Offender Treatment. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer 2009. 
    <  Read Article >
          (.PDF format, requires Adobe Reader)

  • Levenson, J.S., Prescott, D.S., & D'Amora, D. (2009, January). Sex offender treatment: Consumer satisfaction and engagement in therapy. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, XX, XX-XX.
    <  Read abstract >

  • Levenson, J.S. & Prescott, D.S. (2009). The treatment experiences of civilly committed sex offenders: A consumer satisfaction survey. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 21, 6-20.
    <  Read abstract >

  • Prescott, D.S. A Group For Integrating Treatment Lessons Into Daily Life. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Fall 2008.
    <  Read article >

  • Prescott, D.S. The Problem with Punishing Young People: Causes for Concern and Hope. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer 2008.
    <  Read article >

  • Prescott, D.S. & Levenson, J. Youth who have sexually abused: Registration, recidivism, and risk. The ATSA Forum, Spring 2007.
    <  Read article >

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: The Self-Regulation Model of the Offense and Relapse Process: A Manual Volume 2: Treatment, by Tony Ward, Pamela M. Yates, and Carmen A. Long. The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2007.
    <  Read review >

  • Prescott, D.S. . Helping High-Risk Sexual Offenders Get Back On Track: Incorporating MI Principles in a Group Setting. MINT Bulletin,Volume 13, Issue 3, February 2007.
    < Read article on line at: www.motivationalinterview.org/mint/MINT13.3.pdf (page 3)>

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: Theories of Sex Offending, by Tony Ward, Devon L.L. Polaschek, and Anthony R. Beech .The ATSA Forum Newsletter, Summer 2006. < Read review >

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Reviews: Treating Sex Offenders: An Introduction to Sex Offender Treatment Programmes, by Sarah Brown and Offending Identities: Sex Offenders’ Perspectives on their Management and Treatment, by Kirsty Hudson. ATSA Forum Newsletter, Winter 2006.
    < Read reviews >

  • Prescott, D.S. Risk Assessment of adolescents who have sexually abused: Practice, policy, language, and ourselves. Offender Programs Report, 5. 2006

  • The current state of adolescent risk assessment. (2005). In B. Schwartz (Ed.) The sex offender: Issues in assessment, treatment, and supervision of adult and juvenile populations. (pp. 17-1 – 17-15). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.
    <  Read abstract >

  • Ethical issues in sex offender assessments. Letourneau, E.J., & Prescott, D.S. (2005). In S.W. Cooper, A.P. Giardano, V.I. Vieth, & N.D. Kellogg (Eds.). Medical and legal aspects of child sexual exploitation: A comprehensive review of child pornography, child prostitution, and internet crimes against children (pp. 277- 296. St. Louis, MO: G.W. Medical Publishing.
    <  Read introduction >

  • Current perspectives: Working with sexually abusive youth. Prescott, D.S. & Longo, R.E. (2005) Article for the newsletter of the California Coalition of Sex Offender Professionals.

  • Prescott, D.S. Book Review: The Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP), by Stephen D. Hart, P. Randall Kropp, & D. Richard Laws, with Jessica Klaver, Caroline Logan, and Kelly A. Watt, The ATSA Forum, Fall 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Emerging strategies for risk assessment of sexually abusive youth: Theory, controversy, and practice. In R. Geffner, K. Crumpton Franey, T. Geffner Arnold, R. Ralconer (Eds). Identifying and treating youth who sexually offend: Current approaches, techniques, and research (pp. 83-105). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press (2004) . < Read abstract >

  • Collaborative treatment for sexual behavior problems in an adolescent residential center. (2002). In M.H. Miner & E. Colema (Ed.’s), Sex offender treatment: Accomplishments, challenges, and future directions (pp. 43-58). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

  • Books: 2003 in review. Published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    < Read review >

  • Review of Hart, S.D., Kropp, P.R. & Laws, D.R. (2003). The Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP). Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada: The Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute of Simon Fraser University. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Autumn 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Righthand, S., Kerr, B., & Drach, K. (2003). Child maltreatment risk assessments: An evaluation guide. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Anderson, K.E. & Smith, P.M. (2003). Denial and discovery: Behind the scenes of psychosexual assessments. Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Flora, R. (2003). How to work with sex offenders. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Ward, T., Laws, D.R., & Hudson, S.M. (2002). Sexual Deviance: Issues and Controversies. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Bergman, J. & Hewish, S. (2002). Challenging Experience. Oklahoma City: Wood’N’Barnes. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    < Read review >

  • Review of Fernandez, Y., Ed. (2002). In Their Shoes: Examining Empathy and its Place in the Treatment of Offenders. Oklahoma City: Wood’N’Barnes. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter 2004.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Schladale, J. (2003). The T.O.P. Workbook. Freeport, ME: Author. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Spring, 2003.
    <  Read review >

  • “The History of ATSA”. Published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter, 2002.

  • Review of Doren, D. (2002). Evaluating Sex Offenders: A Manual for Civil Commitments and Beyond. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Winter, 2002.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of Blasingame, G. (2001). Developmentally Delayed Persons with Sexual Behavior Problems. Oklahoma City, OK: Wood’N’Barnes. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Spring, 2002.
    <  Read review >

  • Collaborative Treatment for Sexual Behavior Problems in an Adolescent Residential Center.(2001). In M. Miner & Eli Coleman, (Eds). Sex offender treatment: Accomplishments, challenges, and future directions (pp. 43-58). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
    <  Read abstract >

  • Review of Gacono, C.G., Ed. (2000). The Clinical and Forensic Assessment of Psychopathy. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Spring 2001.
    <  Read review >

  • Review of “Sex Offender Risk Assessment” videotape training series. Madison, WI: Sinclair Seminars. Review published in ATSA Forum newsletter, Summer, 2000.
    <  Read review >

  • Overcoming isolation in families where sexual abuse has occurred. Parentalk, a publication of Stop It Now!, Haydenville, MA Spring 2002.

  • Parenting youth who have sexually abused. Parentalk, a publication of Stop It Now!, Haydenville, MA, Spring 2000.

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David S. Prescott, LICSW – PO Box 134 – East Middlebury, VT 05740
Email: DSP@DavidPrescott.net

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