Current Perspectives: Working With Sexually Aggressive Youth & Youth With Sexual Behavior Problems

Edited by Robert E. Longo and David S. Prescott, LICSW
November, 2005

Available from NEARI Press
750 pgs


    Editors’ Note ~ Mission, Purpose, and Style

    Foreword ~ David L. Burton, MSW, Ph.D.

    Introduction ~ Robert E. Longo, MRC, LPC & David S. Prescott, LICSW

    • PART I - Current Perspectives

    Chapter One ~ Current Perspectives on Working With Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems - Robert E. Longo, MRC, LPC & David S. Prescott, LICSW

    Chapter Two ~ Understanding Diversity in Juvenile Sexual Offenders: Implications for Assessment, Treatment, and Legal Management - John A. Hunter, Ph.D

    Chapter Three ~ Children, Twelve and Younger, With Sexual Behavior
    Problems: What We Know in 2005 That We Didn't Know in 1985 - Toni Cavanagh Johnson, Ph.D. & Ronda Doonan, Ph.D.

    Chapter Four ~ Developmental Considerations in Working with Juvenile Sexual Offenders - Amanda Fanniff, MA & Judith Becker, Ph.D

    Chapter Five ~ The Politics of Intervention: Fairness and Ethics - Alan Jenkins

    Chapter Six ~ Co-Morbid Diagnosis of Sexually Abusive Youth - Bradley R. Johnson, MD

    Chapter Seven ~ Promoting Healthy Sexuality in Sexually Abusive Youth - Steven M. Brown, Psy.D. & Carl Schwartz, JD, Ph.D

    Chapter Eight ~ Legal and Ethical Considerations in Evaluations of Children with Sexual Behavior Problems - Craig Latham, Ph.D. & Robert T. Kinscherff, Ph.D., Esq.

    Chapter Nine ~ Male Adolescent Sexually Coercive Behavior Targeting Peers and
    Adults: Relational Perspective - Lisa Frey, Ph.D. & Elissa McElrath Dyer, MA

    • PART II - Special Populations

    Chapter Ten ~ A Comparison of Adolescent Female Sexual Abusers and Adult Female Sexual Offenders - Lisa Frey, Ph.D.

    Chapter Eleven ~ Adolescent Females with Sexual Behavior Problems: What Constitutes Best Practice - Susan Robinson, LCSW

    Chapter Twelve ~ Group Treatment of Young People with Intellectual Impairment Who Sexually Harm - Dave O'Callaghan

    • PART III - Special Issues

    Chapter Thirteen ~ Building a Holistic Approach in the Treatment of Young People Who Sexually Abuse - Tony Morrison

    Chapter Fourteen ~ Attachment Styles and Sexual Abuse - William Friedrich, Ph.D. & Leslie Sim, Ph.D.

    Chapter Fifteen ~ Children and Adolescents with Problematic Sexual
    Behaviors: Lessons from Research on Resilience - Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW

    Chapter Sixteen ~ Neurological Impact of Trauma and Implications - Kevin Creeden, MA, LMHC

    Chapter Seventeen ~ Discovering Integrity: Working With Shame Without Shaming Young People Who Have Abused - Alan Jenkins

    Chapter Eighteen ~ Family Violence and Severe Maltreatment in Sexually Reactive Children & Adolescents - Barbara Schwartz, Ph.D., Deborah Cavanaugh, MA Ann Pimental, MSCJ/MHC, & Robert Prentky, Ph.D

    Chapter Nineteen ~ Domestic Violence, Childhood Victimization, and Juvenile Sexual Criminality: Research Findings and Practical Implications - Melissa M. Sisco, Matthew Sanders, David Harvey, Ph.D. & Judith V. Becker, Ph.D

    Chapter Twenty ~ Family Matters: The Importance Of Engaging Families In Treatment With Sexually Aggressive Youth - Joann Schladale, MA

    Chapter Twenty-One ~ From Research to Practice: Family Treatment - Jerry Thomas, MA & C. Wilson Viar, III

    • PART IV - Interventions

    Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Innovative Uses of Psychodrama with Sexually Abusive
    Adolescents: Expanding the Holistic Approach - Marlyn Robson & Ian Lambie, Ph.D

    Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Multisystemic Therapy with Juveniles Who Sexually Abuse - Lisa Saldana, Ph.D., Cynthia Cupit Swenson, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Letourneau, Ph.D

    Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Beyond Psychology: Brain-Based Approaches That Impact Behavior, Learning and Treatment - Steven M. Bengis, Ed.D., LCSW & Penny Cuninggim, Ed.D, MAT, MSW, LCSW

    Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Working With Experiential Treatment Resistance with Adolescents Who Have Offended Sexually and Who Are Being Treated in Groups Using Specifically Drama Therapy or Psychodrama - John Bergman, MA, RDT, MTBCT, Saul Hewish, Marlyn Robson, and Patrick Tidmarsh, MA

    Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Words from the Heart: The Process of Change With Sexually Abusive Youth - Ian Lambi, Ph.D. & Marlyn Robson

    Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Telling Stories: Improving Youths' Ability to Access Treatment - David S. Prescott, LICSW

    Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Can We Develop Evidenced-Based Practice with Adolescent Sex Offenders? - Mark Chaffin, Ph.D

    Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Young People Who Sexually Abuse: Celebrating Progress and Looking Towards The Future - Martin Calder, MA

From the Foreword:

“While to some of us the field of treatment aimed at youth who have sexually abused or acted inappropriately in a sexual way feels old, it is really quite a new area of service provision, moving from a crawl to a teetering walk - even as we personally age. Many of us in the field started working with this group of abusers in the mid 1980's. As with any new field, ours struggles with challenges, revisions, zealots and resistance to change - this is especially true in the absence of much hard science or of proof of what is the best method of treatment for these youth. The chapters in this volume take on diverse areas of practice and wide ranging paradigms ranging from an analysis of resistance to experiential therapy to techniques of engagement, legal issues facing adolescents who are sexually abusive, treatment of females that sexually abuse, neurology, family practice and the relevance of victimization of youth who are abusive. This text covers many other areas as well, each important and useful and as a whole reading like a brochure for a very good conference on the treatment of children and adolescents. Contributors are an exciting combination of experienced researchers and authors from around the world, and a few new and talented voices. Nonetheless, themes emerge across the chapters which illuminate the barriers, boundaries and areas for development of practice techniques, assessment and future research in the field. Three of these themes are development, heterogeneity of the populations and advanced techniques for treatment. While unabashedly discussing limits of recent research, the authors contend with the real-world dilemma of the need to deliver treatment and base observations, detailed descriptions of techniques and methods of treatment from a post modern perspective of multiple truths - the authors describe what they see as working while genuinely inviting the reader's feedback and participation in a journey towards the development of best practices for the amelioration of adolescent sexual aggression. How wonderful and refreshing!”

— David L. Burton, Ph.D


Click here for Chapter 1 text(version adapted for CCOSO Quarterly Newsletter, Summer 2005).